We are your kosher expert to help you reach millions of kosher consumers.

Fast. Reliable. Cost-effective Kosher Certification.


Benefits of Kosher Certification

The kosher industry has grown 10% annually for the past decade, driven by the increasing demand for certification. Kosher certification not only enhances reliability but also appeals to consumers who view kosher products as healthier and safer, boosting sales. With over $150 billion in kosher products consumed annually, this market offers a promising future for catering halls, restaurants, food producers, and manufacturers looking to expand their business and market share.

Led by Rabbi Ochs, our rabbinical staff brings expert solutions across industries, including chemicals, processing aids, dairy, meat, flavors, and enzymes.

Understanding Kosher Certification

The word kosher means proper or acceptable. Kosher laws originate in the Bible and are detailed in the Talmud and other codes of Jewish traditions. They have been applied through the centuries to ever-changing situations, and these rulings, both ancient and modern, govern kosher certification.

What Foods Are Not Kosher?

Certain animals, fowl, and fish (e.g., pork, catfish), shellfish, and more are prohibited. Meat and dairy cannot be combined.

Why Kosher Supervision?

To ensure every ingredient, process, and tool meets kosher standards.

What Does Kosher Certified Mean?

Kosher Certification verifies ingredients, tools, and production comply with Kosher Law.

CONTACT US : info@shomreihadas.org